About the Great British Mead Company
Why mead?
In the early 1990's I began my journey with historical reenactment, I was passed a bottle of mead around a campfire one evening and my journey with mead began there too!
Before the internet, finding a bottle or two of mead to pick up on the way involved detouring via a look through the yellow pages to find an off-licence who had some in stock.
This proved tedious!
How we started
As it happened, I knew a few beekeepers, so making my own seemed the best option.
This proved popular!
I began to take a boot full, and when that wasn’t enough we moved on to having a stall.
As is often the case with home brewers, the under stairs cupboard is rapidly outgrown, and there is nothing like enthusiasm, so having progressed through a variety of spaces, now we have a commercial unit in order to keep up with demand and expand our range, and are now licensed to include retail and wholesale through the AWRS scheme
Road map
We are always on the lookout for new outlets!
We are now stocked in many off licences and farm shops, pubs, restaurants and boutique bars.
We also supply mead to handfastings and weddings, where mead makes an excellent toasting drink.
If you would like your local to stock our excellent mead, get them to contact us and we will do the rest!